Sarah El Yaman
North Shore LIJ Health System, Lebanon
Sarah El Yaman, MD, MS, FAAP is an American Board-Certified General Pediatrician with special interest in Healthy Child Development and Growth. She has had multiple publications in the US and abroad in the Field of Pediatric Pulmonology (asthma education: changing the outcome – PAS 2015, San Francisco, USA), Pediatric Endocrinology (PES meeting, 2014, Chicago USA), and Pediatric Neurology (Long-Term Patterns of Weight changes During Topiramate Therapy: An Observational Study). After completing her training in New York, she works as a Teaching attending in Beirut General Hospital and collaborating with NGOS and international organizations providing care for underserved communities.
Abstract : Recognizing motor delays in children: Guidelines for the general pediatrician